

At Logicall, we are committed to a sustainable future aiming for ‘net zero’ emissions by 2050 in accordance with the Paris Climate Agreement. Our strategy focuses on CO2 reduction, investing in renewable resources, and fostering collaborative efforts. This way we aim to reduce our environmental footprint and inspire positive change in all sectors of our group.


Circularity is central to our mission, proudly achieving significant successes with customers, such as reducing plastic in packaging and facilitating the reuse and refurbishing of returned products. These efforts not only reduce environmental impact and costs but also create long term collaborations that lead to a more diverse range of recycled products.

Zero waste to landfill

We actively reduce the amount of waste going to landfills, with some warehouses already achieving 95% waste reduction. This includes reducing the amount of packaging that is used while maintaining safety and durability and committing to more sustainable packaging methods. Together with the customer, we further promote sustainable packaging solutions and waste management, aimed at preventing waste creation in the supply chain and reinforcing our environmental responsibility.

A trusted workplace

We believe sustainability extends beyond environmental efforts.  We believe in a work environment focused on respect, health, safety, and support. We wish to attract and retain people who do not only share our values but are also drawn to the integrity of our operations. Together, we uphold our motto: Trusted Logistics.


Tangible milestones in sustainability

We are proud to have achieved several important milestones together with our partners such as utilizing non-plastic seals for box closures and using non-plastic filling materials. Another initative is our program for repurposing returned materials into ‘new’ products. This approach not only reduces the need for new production parts, lowering emissions and cutting costs by at least 25%, but also highlights the cooperation with overseas manufacturers, clients, and recycling companies. Would you like to hear about other initiatives we engage in or explore the possibilities? Let’s drive sustainability together.

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